Miami Gardens Police in Spotlight Again

For the third time, a Hispanic police officer in Miami Gardens is facing public scrutiny for mistreating a black woman. A few years ago, a Hispanic former Miami Gardens Police Sgt. Javier Romaguera was terminated after a black woman accused him of kidnapping her and sexually assaulting her in a hotel room. Several black women in Miami Gardens later spoke out, accusing Romaguera of unexpectedly saying inappropriate things to them while they were casually walking, not inviting any inappropriate attention.

A different Hispanic former Miami Gardens Police officer placed his knee on a black woman’s neck outside of a strip club. He was found guilty of one count of battery with a Taser and one count of trespassing and sentenced to 30 days behind bars.

Now, there is a black woman who revealed screenshots via Facebook showing that another Hispanic police officer with Miami Gardens sent her some disturbingly hostile messages on a dating app. His name is Roberto De Armas. Her crime? She simply was not interested in meeting him after exchanging three or four messages. The woman was not rude in any way; she very respectfully sent a message to say goodbye, hoping to end the chat peacefully. His response was nothing short of utter anger. He called her “stupid” a few times, yet he is a grown man who still doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re. One message said “your stupid.”

When it is reminded that the woman didn’t say anything to deserve such a response, it leaves the public puzzled. Officer Roberto De Armas likely has wolves in his soul, and innocent people could be bitten without even petting them. A psychologist who replied to the woman’s Facebook post suggested the officer might be a “collapsed narcissist.”

A collapsed narcissist is a person who was previously narcissistic but has since become very insecure and suffers from low self-esteem. This often happens when the individual’s inflated ego and sense of superiority are met with rejection, such as the woman saying goodbye to Officer Roberto De Armas. The collapse of the narcissist’s ego can be quite devastating and may cause them to rage out unprovoked, such as the officer’s response to the woman who kindly said goodbye to him. The sensitivity in the mind of a collapsed narcissist creates so much unnecessary drama because of their fear-based FIGHT responses to every little thing. The most minor, non-offensive things could provoke a narcissist to explode with drama. Who would be so angry that a stranger on a dating app decided it’s not a good fit and politely said goodbye? He has deep-rooted, subconscious flashbacks to the worst pain in his life and misplaces anger on innocent people. Obviously, he should not be a police officer.

Miami Gardens Officer Roberto De Armas

It begs the question of what kind of background or psychological evaluation the Miami Gardens Police Department conducts. How could they repeatedly employ officers of such low caliber?

A more significant question is, why does the pattern show Hispanic male cops abusing black female civilians?

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